Simply put, tallow is beef fat.
For thousands of years, tallow has been utilized in numerous and varied applications across the globe: some culinary, some cosmetic, but all rooted in the same knowledge that tallow has the potential to work with the human body to support and nourish it in ways that promote healing.

Today, people like you and I are now rediscovering tallow in a whole new way, even though some things haven’t changed that much.
After all, a cow is…still a cow.
However, with the aid of modern technology and laboratory analysis, we can now dig deeper into why tallow is such a treasure trove for our bodies, and begin to apply it specifically to the many physical ailments that concern us today, especially those in the skincare realm.
Where Tallow Comes From
Leaf tallow, or the tallow that is formed around the major organs of the animal, is the prized fat that is ideal for those seeking tallow in skincare products1.

This leaf tallow, or suet, is rich in vitamins and fatty acids, and it’s firm, waxy texture make it more desirable for skincare applications than the softer, subcutaneous fat that can be found just under the skin of the cow.
When rendered and refined properly, liquid tallow takes on a distinct golden hue that emits a faint, buttery smell. Rendered leaf tallow is very firm at room temperature, and can appear totally white, or have more of a buttery-yellow tone, especially if the tallow was sourced from 100% grass-fed cows.

The Building Blocks of Tallow
Tallow is uniquely structured — so much so that it actually mimics2 the natural composition of our skin’s sebum, or oil. This oil is what makes skin protective, elastic, supple, and youthful. It also plays a major role in skin recovery after injury, reducing scarring and aiding in the regeneration of new dermal cells as needed.
Tallow contains many long-chain fatty acids3 like:
- Stearic Acid – a natural emulsifier that promotes moisture retention in the skin.
- Palmitic Acid – locks in moisture and protects against free-radicals.
- Oleic Acid – helps support cell membrane structure to calm, balance, and repair skin.
These acids form triglycerides that are essential for skin health, particularly because many of the essential vitamins that compose our skin are fat-soluble, meaning they must be dissolved in lipids before they can be absorbed by the body.
Tallow’s natural fat-soluble vitamins4 include:
- Vitamin A – a natural form of retinol5, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles, promotes collegan retention, and prevents oxidative damage to cells by blocking inflammation.
- Vitamin E – a potent antioxidant that reduces hyperpigmentation and dark spots, while promoting healing and prevents scarring.
- Vitamin K – improves the elasticity of blood vessels to improve circulation.
- Vitamin D – reduces inflammation while aiding in skin repair.

Grass-fed Tallow for Skincare
Studies have shown that grass-fed tallow contains higher levels of these prized nutrients than their grain-fed counterparts6, which makes 100% grass-fed leaf tallow the absolute gold standard for use in skincare products7.
Because tallow is so naturally nourishing for our skin at a cellular level, it is remarkably useful for conditions like:
- eczema
- psoriasis
- chronic dry skin
- cracked hands and feet
- support for aging skin
- diaper rash
- drool rash
- cradle cap
- aftershave care
- sunburn aftercare
- razor rash
- Soothing minor skin burns
- scar prevention
- stretch marks
- chapped facial skin
- balm for nursing mothers
- chafing
Naturally effective, yet extremely gentle for all skin types, tallow can be used for all ages to deeply nourish and restore skin back to a healthful state.
It may be just the thing you’re looking for.